McLean Pharmacy is an independent pharmacy that has partnered with a laboratory specializing in PCR Testing for CoVID-19. With the recent uptick in illness in our community, we are unable to schedule appointments over the phone. Please use this link to book your appointment.
We provide testing for:
Those who have been exposed to Coronavirus
Those who have symptoms concerning for COVID-19
Those who require testing for travel
Those who wish to be tested for personal safety
If you think you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, we suggest waiting 4 days from your exposure to get tested based on what is known about COVID-19’s incubation period.
These tests are self-administered and designed to be easy, painless, and effective: tests are done in your vehicle, please schedule accordingly.
*There will be no accommodations for walk-ins, an appointment must be made*
Results will be provided via an encrypted email if we are unable to reach you via email we will attempt to call you. If you do not hear back within the allotted time frame, please call 571-488-6030.
A $25 fee will be applied for No-Shows and for Cancellations.
**Nasal Swab: The nasal swab test we provide is the Nasal-Mid-Turbinate kind and the swab goes one inch deep into the nares. **